Planning & Organising
Equipment; resources; assessment notifications; brainstorming
1. Setting Yourself Up for Success​
What equipment do you need?
Internet, books, pens, highlighters, calendar, etc.
Where will you get the key task info?
Scope and Sequences
Assessment Schedules
Task notifications
What eResources can you access for learning content?
Student Portal (gives access to Britannica School & Canvas)
This Library Website's Research page (lots of good links)
State Library of NSW membership (for academic articles)
2. Using your Assessment Notification to plan​
Assessment notifications can be challenging.
Don't be scared! If you take your time, you can learn a lot.
Read it 3 times!
1st read: get a basic idea of the task.
2nd read: Use a highlighter. Highlight important words and ideas.
3rd read: Make sure everything makes sense.
Note Key Information
Due date
Mode (essay; presentation, in class test, etc)
Weighting (eg 25%)
Length (word count; presentation length, etc)
Understand the knowledge and skills you're being assessed on.
Tip: Try re-wording the descriptions into simpler words to help you
to understand what's required.* (Get your teacher/parent to help if you need to)
What's the key verb? eg:
Assess: Make a judgement of value, quality, outcome, results or size
Analyse: Identify the components and relationships between them, then draw out and relate the implications
Compare: Show how things are different or similar to each other
Describe: Provide characteristics and features
Discuss: Identify issues and provide points for and/or against
Explore: Inquire into a topic in detail
Evaluate: Provide a judgement of quality or value
Summarise: Give a brief statement of the main ideas​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
3. Brainstorm​
Questions to get you thinking, and to guide your research
What is it?
What are its different elements?
Why does it exist? What's it's purpose?
Who benefits from it?
Which bits make sense?
Which bits are confusing?
Where can you explore to find that information?
Do you need help? Who can help you?
Further Reading: