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Planning & Organising

Equipment; resources; assessment notifications; brainstorming

1. Setting Yourself Up for Success​

What equipment do you need?

  • Internet, books, pens, highlighters, calendar, etc.


Where will you get the key task info?

  • Scope and Sequences

  • Assessment Schedules

  • Task notifications

  • Scaffolds


What eResources can you access for learning content?

  • Student Portal (gives access to Britannica School & Canvas)

  • This Library Website's Research page (lots of good links)

  • State Library of NSW membership (for academic articles)

2. Using your Assessment Notification to plan​

Assessment notifications can be challenging.

Don't be scared! If you take your time, you can learn a lot.



Read it 3 times!

  • 1st read: get a basic idea of the task.

  • 2nd read: Use a highlighter. Highlight important words and ideas.

  • 3rd read: Make sure everything makes sense.


Note Key Information

  • Due date

  • Mode (essay; presentation, in class test, etc)

  • Weighting (eg 25%)

  • Length (word count; presentation length, etc)


Understand the knowledge and skills you're being assessed on.

        Tip: Try re-wording the descriptions into simpler words to help you

        to understand what's required.* (Get your teacher/parent to help if            you need to)


What's the key verb? eg:

  • Assess: Make a judgement of value, quality, outcome, results or size

  • Analyse: Identify the components and relationships between them, then draw out and relate the implications

  • Compare: Show how things are different or similar to each other

  • Describe: Provide characteristics and features

  • Discuss: Identify issues and provide points for and/or against

  • Explore: Inquire into a topic in detail

  • Evaluate: Provide a judgement of quality or value

  • Summarise: Give a brief statement of the main ideas​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

3. Brainstorm​

Questions to get you thinking, and to guide your research

  • What is it?

  • What are its different elements?

  • Why does it exist? What's it's purpose?

  • Who benefits from it? 

  • Which bits make sense?

  • Which bits are confusing?

  • Where can you explore to find that information?

  • Do you need help? Who can help you?


Further Reading:

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